Recipe-Green Pear Smoothie for Migraine Relief

Bartlett pears, otherwise known as Williams pears, are the most commonly grown green pears in North America. These pears change color from green to a lovely yellow as they brighten and are best eaten in the fall and early winter. Pears are members of the rose family, and Bartletts are famous for their characteristic “pear” shape and buttery-smooth texture when ripe.

  • 2 cups kale
  • 1 ripe Bartlett pear, cored and chopped
  • ½ English cucumber, cut into chunks
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 4 ice cubes

1. In a blender, blend the kale, pear, cucumber, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, and nutmeg until smooth.
2. Add the ice, and blend until smooth and thick.
3. Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses, and serve.

Allergy Adjustments: Some people are sensitive to seeds. So if you have issues with this food product, omit the sunflower seeds from the smoothie.

PER SERVING Calories: 91; Total Fat: 1g; Saturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Total Carbohydrates: 21g; Fiber: 4g; Protein: 3g

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