How to avoid migraine trigger?

Avoid Triggers

Although medical treatments for migraines are readily available, in an ideal world we would be able to prevent migraines from occurring in the first place by identifying and steering clear of triggers. The best thing you can do to reduce your incidence of migraine attacks is to avoid as many personal triggers as possible to prevent reaching your migraine threshold.

Unfortunately, it is not as simple as staying away from common triggers and thereby never experiencing a migraine again. The disorder is far more complicated than that, but purposely avoiding triggers can certainly decrease the number of migraines you experience. Use the migraine diary in chapter 1 to identify any common precursors to your migraines. Perhaps you always suffer from migraines after a long drive in a hot car, after sleeping in on Sundays, or after eating a particular food.
Some triggers, such as bright sunlight or a stressful new job, are unavoidable and will have to be dealt with as they arise. Other triggers, however, are very much controllable. Triggering foods and drinks will be discussed in part 2 of this book; for now, we will focus on controllable environmental factors.


Most people cannot avoid using computers, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk of an associated attack. Always sit with good posture, and take regular breaks to stand up and move away from your screen. Use anti-glare screens, and work in a room filled with natural light where possible. Standing desks are another option you may wish to look into.


As mentioned, the effect of hormonal contraception and other medications containing estrogen varies on a case-by-case basis. If you fear your medication is worsening your migraines, try seeking an alternative. In addition, always inform your doctor that you suffer from migraines before taking any such medication.

Light, Smells, and Noise

If you have a hard time with bright lights, wear sunglasses and a hat where possible. Your employer is legally obliged to change the lighting if it interferes with your personal comfort, so there is no need to suffer beneath fluorescent lights all day long. Similarly, if one of your colleagues is wearing an overpowering amount of perfume or cologne, the law is in your favor. If you find yourself in a loud environment and cannot do much about it, try wearing earplugs or listening to calming music.


Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night, and always try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. As tempting as it can be to sleep in on weekends, remember that too much sleep can also trigger migraines.

Stress Levels

Actively attempt to reduce your stress levels. Avoid stressful situations where possible, and limit the amount of overtime you perform at work. Incorporate techniques such as meditation and yoga into your life, and try simple relaxation methods such as listening to music, reading, or unwinding in a hot bath.

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