What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Migraines

If you’ve consulted a doctor for a migraine, you’ve probably only heard half the story about your mental health. Most people are told migraines are a hiccup in their make up, which they can do little, if anything about, without the assistance of drugs.
In actuality, migraines are kindled by the food we choose to eat – not the predisposed wiring of our biological wetware. Alexander Mauskop, M.D., and Barry Fox, Ph.D., expose the truth about migraines in their book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Migraines: The Breakthrough Program That Can Help End Your Pain. The following is an snippet from the book, where the duo unveil common  foods that trigger migraines, and a natural remedy that prevents them.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Migraines

We haven’t yet determined exactly what causes migraines. But we do know that millions of Americans are susceptible to migraines because they have hair-trigger responses to certain stimuli. Their migraines may be brought on by eating common foods like cheese, bacon, nuts, avocados, chocolate, yeast, spices, hot dogs, corn, or anything fermented, or by drinking red wine, beer, or beverages containing caffeine. But that’s not all; skipping meals, stress, fatigue, bright lights, strong odors, certain medications, perfumes or other odors, air pollution, hormonal changes, the weather, seasonal changes, and altitude have all been implicated as migraine triggers. But remember, these triggers only affect certain migraine-prone people. The latest research suggests that most people with migraine headaches have minor genetic abnormalities that make them more susceptible to these headaches. This may be true even for those who have no clear family history of migraines.

The “Triple Therapy,” A New Approach

While there is no 100 percent effective “prevention” drug, there is a way to stop hurting so much: a new, safe, natural, and tremendously effective way to hold migraines at bay. That something new is the “triple therapy” I pioneered at the New York Headache Center, where I’ve treated thousands of headache patients over the past fifteen years.
Before discovering this therapy I was like other neurologists, routinely prescribing the latest medicines for my migraine patients. I was doing everything right: I was an associate professor of clinical neurology at State University of New York and an attending neurologist at the prestigious Beth Israel Hospital. I directed symposia, wrote papers, and received grants; I was chairman of this and president of that. I had a busy clinic filled with migraine patients who came to see me over and over again. But the fact that those patients kept coming back meant that I wasn’t curing them. I was certainly helping them, but I wasn’t eliminating their problems once and for all. Taking medicine was simply not a permanent solution to migraines.
Determined to find the answer, I searched through the medical literature, spoke to my colleagues, and talked to my patients, looking for new ideas. One clue led to another, and by the early 1990s I was immersed in the study of the mineral magnesium. Later, I added riboflavin (vitamin B2) and an herb called feverfew to my migraine therapy.
I didn’t originate the idea of using these natural substances. Ancient Greek doctors prescribed feverfew to treat inflammation and other ills, while riboflavin has long been known to support good health in several ways. And the first suggestion that magnesium might be linked to migraines appeared in the medical literature way back in 1931. While the concept of using magnesium, riboflavin, and/or feverfew was not new, no one had yet conducted the scientific research that would prove that these three substances taken individually could prevent migraines. Nor had anyone put these three ingredients together to make an even more powerful triple punch. With the help of my colleagues, I did just that. I was gratified by the results, and my patients, many of whom had suffered from debilitating migraines for five, ten, or twenty years, were ecstatic.
With the triple therapy, we finally have a safe and natural way to solve the migraine problem. It doesn’t stop headaches in progress, but it can go a long way toward preventing them from striking in the first place. And if they never arrive, you don’t have to worry about getting rid of them.
Learn more about how you can stop your migraines naturally, by purchasing a copy of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Migraines: The Breakthrough Program That Can Help End Your Pain here.
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